
Upcoming Events

SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting

The SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting will be held in Vienna, Austria.

Accepted Abstracts:

Date: May 11 – 15, 2025

Past Events

SETAC North America 2024

The SETAC North America 45th annual meeting was held in Fort Worth, Texas.

Date: October 20-24, 2024

SETAC Europe 2024

Seville, Spain is the site for SETAC Europe 2024, with the theme of “Science-based Solutions in Times of Crisis: Integrating Science and Policy for Environmental Challenges”. Applied Analysis Solutions presented 5 posters at this event.

Date: May 5-9, 2024

EPA Environmental Modeling Public Meeting

On October 10, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a virtual Environmental Modeling Public Meeting (EMPM) to discuss current issues related to modeling pesticide fate, transport, and exposure for pesticide ecological risk assessments in a regulatory context


PWC-PREP Tool: A user-friendly tool to facilitate preparation of label-compliant Pesticide in Water Calculator (PWC) batch input files

Date: October 10, 2023

ACS Fall 2023

The 2023 Fall ACS meeting was held in San Francisco, CA with both in person and hybrid formats. The theme of this meeting is Harnessing the Power of Data.

Date: August 13-17, 2023

SETAC Europe 2023

SETAC Europe will be held in Dublin, Ireland with some online components this year. The overarching theme is “Data-driven environmental decision-making”.

Date: April 30-May 4, 2023

SETAC North America 2022

SETAC North America 2022 will be held in Pittsburgh, PA in a hybrid format. This meeting will have similar events to SETAC Europe, with keynote speakers, training courses, platform and poster presentations, and a multitude of networking opportunities.

Date: November 13-17, 2022

ACS Fall 2022

The Fall ACS 2022 meeting will be held in a hybrid format, with in-person events located in Chicago, IL. The theme of the meeting was “Sustainability in a Changing World”, and Applied Analysis Solutions attended this event in person.

Date: August 21-25, 2022

EPA Environmental Modeling Public Meeting on Endangered Species

On June 23, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will hold a virtual Environmental Modeling Public Meeting (EMPM) to engage with stakeholders on EPA’s recently released Endangered Species Act Workplan, with a focus on mitigation strategies.


Integrating landscape-level information into aquatic exposure estimation and localized mitigation potential for endangered species assessments

Date: June 23, 2022

SETAC Europe 2022

SETAC Europe 2022 will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark and was held in person at the Bella Center Copenhagen. The meeting featured training sessions, platform and poster presentations, keynote speakers, and options for networking with other attendees. We were pleased attend the first in-person SETAC conference in quite a while.

Date: November 14-18, 2021

SETAC North America 2021

SETAC North America 2021 has been moved to an all virtual format, with both on demand presentations and live sessions. Presentations will be viewable 1 week ahead of the meeting, and live sessions will be recorded and made available.

Date: November 14-18, 2021

ESRI User Conference

The 2021 ESRI User Conference focused on five related themes which aimed to provide the basis for a more interconnected world, and also explored how GIS tools have adapted to support the new virtual environment.

Communicating Spatial Aspects of Endangered Species Pesticide Risk Assessment
The GESTF Species Information Viewer, a collection of webmaps and dashboards within ArcGIS Online, is helping us communicate relevant factors within a pesticide risk assessment for endangered species.  This tool presents visualizations of data and statistics so the biological experts, who may not be fluent in GIS, can examine relevant spatial information regarding factors potentially impacting each species, to support more informed decision making.
Dana Christian

Date: July 12-16, 2021

SETAC Europe 2021

The SETAC Europe 31st annual meeting theme is “Global Challenges. An Emergency for Environmental Sciences” and was held in an all virtual format.

Date: May 2-6, 2021

SETAC Virtual Seminars: What We Know and What We Need To Know: The Analysis, Monitoring and Effects of Microplastics in Humans and the Environment

The SETAC Virtual Microplastics Seminar is a series of virtual seminars given from March 16 to April 6, 2021. This meeting will focus on the current state of microplastic policies and discuss novel modeling approaches to guide the future of micro- and nano-plastics in the environment.

As an invited speaker, Applied Analysis Solutions will be presenting “Prospective Modelling of Microplastic Exposure in Freshwater Systems” during Seminar 4: Modelling of Microplastics in the Environment – Policy or Regulatory Implications?

Prospective Modelling of Microplastic Exposure in Freshwater Systems

Date: March 16-April 6, 2021

SETAC North America 2020

The SETAC North America 41st annual meeting was held in a virtual format. The meeting emphasized the need for environmental scientists and managers from all sectors to work together at a global scale to address shared environmental challenges. The meeting offered opportunities to focus on transdisciplinary advances within a holistic system approach to meet these challenges head on. Presentations are available on the SETAC website.

Date: November 15-19, 2020

Explore 2020

Explore is the second annual conference hosted by Planet, which in 2020 was delivered in a virtual format. Speakers include Al Gore, Kenneth Roth, Chris Hadfield, as well as other industry experts in imagery. Explore aims to bring together industry thought leaders, customers, partners, end users, and developers for learning and conversation about leveraging imagery and insights to make an impact in our ever-changing world.

Date: October 13-15, 2020

2020 ENVI Analytics Symposium

The theme of the 6th annual EAS was “The Geospatial Vision for the Next Decade.” EAS provides a platform for geospatial users and scientists to collaborate on rapidly emerging trends and explore new solutions.

Date: August 25-27, 2020

ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting & Expo

ACS National Meetings are where chemistry professionals meet to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge. By attracting thousands of chemical professionals, the meetings provide excellent opportunities for sharing your passion for chemistry, connecting with the world’s largest scientific society, and advancing your career in this ever-changing global economy. The 2020 meeting and expo was held virtually.

Date: August 17-20, 2020

SETAC North America 2019

This meeting emphasizes the need for environmental scientists and managers from all sectors (e.g., academia, business, government, non-profit, non-governmental and intergovernmental organizations) to work together at a global scale to address shared environmental challenges. Under such a paradigm, discrete technical advances would be leveraged to create harmonized approaches towards mutual solutions. The SETAC North America 40th annual meeting was held in Toronto, ON, CA.

Presentations by Applied Analysis Solutions:

Date: November 3-7, 2019

Environmental Modeling Public Meeting

The Environmental Protection Agency’s semi-annual Environmental Modeling Public meeting is a public forum available to discuss issues related to modeling pesticide fate, transport, and exposure for risk assessments. The meeting focused on usage data(sources, applications, and extrapolation), model parameterization, and ongoing topic updates.

Presentations by Applied Analysis Solutions:

Application of Pesticide Usage Information in a Probabilistic Framework to Inform Listed Species Exposure

Date: October 16, 2019

Product Stewardship Conference 2019

The Product Stewardship Conference offers an experience like no other by bringing together professionals from more than a dozen different industry sectors and throughout the value chain to deliver unique education and networking opportunities. The 2019 conference was held in Columbus, OH. Chris co-chaired and presented in the session “Tiers for Fears: Applying Fit-for-Purpose Risk Assessment in Environmental Stewardship”.

Presentations by Applied Analysis Solutions:

Date: September 11, 2019