We are excited to present the PWC-Prep Tool at the USEPA’s Environmental Modeling Public Meeting on October 10th. Sponsored by GESTF, the PWC-Prep Tool saves time and reduces potential errors when creating a PWC batch input file, while ensuring conservatism and compliance with labeled use instructions and restrictions.
Modeling pesticide fate and transport in the environment is an important part of the regulatory process. The Pesticide in Water Calculator (PWC) simulates pesticide applications to land surfaces and the pesticide’s subsequent transport to and fate in water bodies, including surface water bodies as well as simple ground water aquifers.
Because most pesticides can be used across a variety of crops and other use sites throughout the United States, the variety of potential use sites must be accounted for in a risk assessment. This typically results in numerous PWC model runs with individual parameters representing each use site and region.
Although the PWC accepts a batch input file, setting up and parameterizing these model runs manually is time-consuming and prone to human error. To help overcome this challenge, we introduce the PWC-Prep Tool, an open-source, user-friendly Windows program that helps users create PWC batch input files. The PWC-Prep Tool saves time and reduces potential for human-error, while still ensuring conservatism is maximized and labeled use restrictions are respected.
If you use the PWC model, you can learn more about the PWC-Prep Tool on GitHub.
A big thanks to this work’s sponsor, the Generic Endangered Species Task Force, and to Logan Insinga, Steve Kay, and Dean Desmarteau for their hard work creating this powerful tool.
Pesticide in Water Calculator Prep Tool